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Office Administration - Legal - 2021

What brought you to Mohawk College?

It is the closest school to where I live. It was my first choice from high school and first choice when returning after having my children.

Tell us about your favourite Mohawk experience?

My first year I got a chance to meet everyone and explore the campus. My second year when returning was during Covid so everything was completely online. Having both experiences I believe prepared me for my career as I was familiar with in person along with the hybrid work model that a lot of employers now use.

What impact has Mohawk had on your life?

Mohawk has made a huge impact on my life. I received a scholarship in my second year. I did my second year while pregnant for my son. I had him in November, so I continued remote classes after he was born. I had a part of my program where we go on a “mock” interview. This turned into a real interview and I was offered a position at a large law firm in Ontario. I began working there in April 2021 and graduated in June 2021. Mohawk set me up the best possible way for my future.

What are you up to now?

I have worked at this law firm for 2.5 years now. I have no plans on leaving and I continue to learn as I am here. I am very thankful for my time at Mohawk.

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