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Medical Laboratory Technology - 1980

What brought you to Mohawk College?

In high school I looked at the Med Lab Tech course as it sounded like a great field. A guidance councillor at my high school indicated that my marks were too good and I should go to university as college was for dummies! So after 1.5 years at McMaster studying stuff that made me smarter but had no practical use, I left and enrolled in a very brutal course of MLT!

Tell us about your favourite Mohawk experience?

I would say it was the lab class socials and the intramural sports that my classmates took part in when we could. We could not party much but when we did, there was a hardcore half of the class that came out, played hard ( and usually lost) and then got back to studying.

What impact has Mohawk had on your life?

Mohawk had a huge impact. I graduated with a skill that allowed me to get jobs instantly after graduation, and when we moved to Calgary. My training and experience allowed me to take in a lab supervisory role. My background in microbiology and my presentation skills then morphed into Infection Control. This combination of sound training and experience has allowed me to travel the work providing lectures at conferences in England, France, Germany, Malta, Hong Kong, New Zealand and throughout North America.

What are you up to now?

Just retired to lecture and help out when I want to work!

Banner imag for: Jim (James) Gauthier